Leading Through M&A

The role of communication to guide teams, culture, and brands through integration

Global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) reached all-time highs in 2021, and continued throughout 2022. There are many reasons that companies acquire and merge with other businesses: to boost growth, acquire technology, expand talent, and fend off competitors. 

Despite all the upside potential of a good deal, there are also real challenges that come with integrating teams, cultures, offerings, and brands. As dealmakers calculate the top and bottom line impacts for growth, they must also anticipate the critical role of communications leadership to guide people (internal and external) through change.

This webinar conversation features a panel of marketing and M&A leaders as we discuss the role of communications to guide teams and stakeholders through deal cycles and integration.




Watch the Webinar and Learn:

  • The role of marketing in preparing a business to be funded or acquired
  • Make-or-break moments for communication clarity in a deal cycle
  • The who, what, how of communication planning through the M&A process
  • How to reduce anxiety for employees and support cultural connection
  • Navigating brand, team, and solution integration

Meet the Panel

John Ryan

John Ryan

Authentic Fractional CMO™

Dan Cremons

Dan Cremons

Founder, Accelera Partners

Joe Keeley

Joe Keeley

CEO & Co-Founder, JustiFi

Jennifer Zick-sq-sm-1

Jennifer Zick (Moderator)

Founder & CEO
Authentic Brand