The Authentic Fractional CMO Life

Love your life. Love your work. In that order.

Are you an executive marketing leader who is curious about life as a Fractional CMO? Perhaps you've heard all the buzz about fractional work, or have talked with friends about their experiences.

Maybe you've already ventured out on your own - but sense there may be a better way to craft your best life and career.

The fractional executive marketplace is growing - and more businesses are recognizing the value of experienced leadership on a part-time, flexible basis.

As the fractional ecosystem grows, so does the variety of fractional roles, organizations, and lifestyles. 

This webinar is an opportunity for you to get acquainted with Authentic Brand and our unique Fractional CMO role.

Whether you've met us in the past, or were just recently introduced - we welcome the opportunity to connect with you now to provide a fresh perspective on who we are, what we believe, and how we're growing.

Join us and discover how we're helping brilliant marketers across the United States love their lives, and love their work - in that order.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2023

12:00-1:00pm CST

Attendees to this webinar will learn:

  • Who Authentic Brand is: our story, values, and vision.
  • Trends and factors that are shaping the fractional marketplace.
  • What makes Authentic Brand unique among fractional CMO providers.
  • A first-hand perspective and insights from a current Authentic Fractional CMOTM
  • The value of our proprietary Authentic GrowthTM methodology and Authentic MindshareTM community of CMOs and Ally providers.
  • Important questions you should ask yourself before making the leap to the fractional life.
  • How to stay connected with Authentic Brand or apply for a Fractional CMO role on our team.